Tinkers' Construct Bedrock Edition Wiki:Copyrights

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Tinkers' Construct Bedrock Edition Wiki content, materials, brand-names and logos of companies are the intellectual property of their respective owners.

Content that you make available on Tinkers' Construct Bedrock Edition Wiki is licensed by you to us under our Terms of Service. Do not make content available on Tinkers' Construct Bedrock Edition Wiki where you do not have the necessary rights to grant this license.

Any content with said logos features a proper copyright license to adhere to regulations. Tinkers' Construct Bedrock Edition Wiki is not affiliated with any of the brand-names, LLC's or companies featured on this Wiki.

All textual and graphical content on Tinkers' Construct Bedrock Edition Wiki that we may lawfully license is licensed to you under the Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 license. You may read the full legal code of the license here.